Polin’s newest development is revolutionizing the experience of waterslides by offering a competitive, interactive game for guests as they shoot along their watery journey. The attraction not only guarantees fun for riders but also can act as a marketing vehicle. Additionally, the cost of the interactive elements is not more than 5 – 7 percent of the slide’s total investment cost while potentially increasing guest turnover by 50 percent.

Each guest’s mission is to collect more points than his or her competitors. Bright 5.51-inch (14-centimeter) -diameter RGB LED panels create eight different figures and sounds in eight different colors. Every combination is worth different point amounts. Guests touch the panels as they slide by to earn points. At the end of the slide, a display shows how many points guests collected and the timing and speed of their journey. To encourage increased ridership, a bonus figure appears every 1,111th touch and earns guests an extra 50 points when they encounter it. Social media experience may also be integrated.

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